This is an independent project of KRIYA ART HOUSE Pvt Ltd. inspired by Global Cinema

& WORLD FILM FOUNDATION. This project is likely an extension of our ART practice and love for movies.

We are not related to any other organizations or representing any organizations in general, our dream is to collaborate and support film organization around the world. Cinema is an amalgamation of various ART forms, always inspiring and surprising!

Aim of this project is to support global cinema and festivals with art and creative projects and explore amity collaborative possibilities among world cinema production and education.
Working forward to developing this project is an international not for profit organization and celebrate Global cinema.

To be a writer, you need a pen. To be a painter, a brush. To be a musician, an instrument. But to be a filmmaker, you need the collaboration of others to bring your vision to the canvas that is the movie screen.

—Martin Scorsese, Director